
am I a disaster?

Dear me:

Can you stop torturing me? I set up some obstacle myself and become handicap later~~~
OMG, sometime I just can't breathe to make up for those what I have done and broken
Yes, I am a disaster-because I am lazy but talented and don't want to let people down


if you are a leaner, you can learn something even from the shitest TV show

I seldomly read, but I watch a lot
Today, I owe half of becoming who I am to the TV, movie and even flash, everything can be watched
I doubt if the sentence is right, check later, but you know what I mean ~~~

come on, you should fight for your future. and don't be afraid

I think I am more Chanchad, but actually, I am Reju, living under the fear that I will end up with no husband, no child, and no chance of feeding my own parents once.

"I hate people who work very hard but with no talents because they mess up the world and at the end of the day, keep complainning why working so hard but without pay"  quote from Fashion King
Definitely, I am belonging to this group of people, but if I don't work hard, I will end up with nothing since no pain no gain, I understand it very clearly from the entrance exam experience

I am already late for my original bus. Should I wait for another chance by doing nothing?
Come on, fighting for you furture, you are the person in charge of everything.........


zeno: worry about the future of UMAC

someone from mainland university can't believe the truth, so what can I do?

Say it, forget it, and never mention it again in front of her
because someone just can't bear it

OK, fine, find someone who I can't communicate with!!!!!



sense of present
I didn't feel it today maybe because of the person-lecturer, maybe because of his upside down "Q" haircut
shit, really Q haircut

work on Applied Organization exam---- oil is empty for days ago the research paper presentation

Come on, you can do it and do it well

I am the best, ever and forever

I finsihed my research paper presentation and get a certificant for it

apart from the interrept, everything went very well

and I am suprised how relax I am when I present

bringing your guts, with lots of resourse and material, things just go the way you want them to be


do you think I can make, Yes, definitely you will

I am sleepless and I don't want to work or saying normally function
but I should and I will
because I am control mania
take in charge of the things I should

that's so-called "Yu jie"


things can be very tough, but so do men

today, I help write a design project proposal for a sexual machine called "heaven"
fun, without other group members' seducement, I would never even consider this idea
someone should not get blamed by trying something new and interesting

and continue to work on the thesis project which is F too difficult
but I get courage from one professor in HKU's email
at that moment when I go through the content, I can't help crying, actully it is the cheering tears
Like something I try is worth doing and finally it promises to pay my back